Tears rolled down my face as I spoke to a room full of inner city kids from Puerto Rico, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Peru, Ecuador assisted by my son on media and how it affects who they will become. Folks, as long as we keep listening and watching most of the entertainment poopie they serve our people on big platters specifically called Mega, Amor, Univision and Telemundo, don’t expect a civic minded Latino society. Don’t support their sponsors, don’t sponsor their bs, hold them accountable for what they show and air in the radio! But I am fighting a personal war and I will win some battles as I did yesterday happy helping to move these kids towards a brighter future. Thank you Maria J. Andrade and your team at NJIT. Thank you Tito El Barbero – your story captured by #AYCARAMBANICO was inspirational to these kids who are growing up in the same environment you did.